You can pick whatever model you want, but only one.
You can pick it's gadgets, color scheme, voice (Beeps, chirps, etc. or an actual voice), its level of intelligence, almost everything.
It can be a servant, a friend, whatever.
I myself am not sure.
I'm unsure between a BB unit, a BD unit and a Super Battle Droid.
Which would you pick?
Editado por Ricochet 049: 5/6/2023 12:02:31 PMC3-PO. For my mom actually. To help around the house and take a load off of her. I’m working and am hardly around. The communication is also a key factor and why I didn’t choose the servant droid.
My school tried to build a R2-D2 until Disney said no.
3P0, but programmed as an assassin droid. Diplomacy, F YEAH!
Hk-47 [spoiler]hands down[/spoiler]
[b] [/b]
C1-10P I just know he’d be loyal till the end and isn’t afraid to open an airlock on some stormtroopers. He’s also witty and has a great humor. Great droid all around.
This is hard, I have so many favorites... [spoiler]Colicoid Annihilator. B3 Ultrabattle Droid. Cortosis Battle droid. Darkside Techno-beast. Iron Knight (sentient Shard). Hk-47. Hk-51. [/spoiler] Fine, C-3PX Assassin/Protocol droid, same type and modifications as Maul's assassin droid.
imperial probe droid
The roly-poly shield guys. Think it’s possible to get one big enough that I can ride, and have it come with a saddle like the one in Raya & the Last Dragon!
*g o n k*
a dalek
Editado por Rip Van Winkle: 5/6/2023 12:24:28 AMshe turns my floppy disc into a regular disc, id love a chance to give her some RAM
Never could go wrong with a mouse droid
Any droid is a good droid if it can make a nice martini for me.
A little BD-1 would be awesome.
Poaka droid