I think it is uncontested that Root of Nightmares is a beautiful raid, and I personally think it's fun. I don't mind the difficulty either, as not every raid needs to be or should be more complicated than the last.
But... I do feel like the raid is a bit [i]too[/i] simple.
The fact that pretty much only 2 people need to know what to do for 3 out of 4 encounters of the raid is a little much. I don't think every player needs to know how every mechanic in an encounter works and how to interact with them, but I think the design of RoN plays so safe that having 4 people be nothing but "Add Clear" isn't very engaging which I think is the reason why people are arguing over its difficulty.
Is it fun to just kill adds and shoot bosses? Sure, but I feel raids should at least make an effort to involve more people in mechanics and should ask more than what the main "connect the dots" RoN mechanic offered. While I personally think mechanics that involve everyone are very fun, I am not even specifically adovcating for more mechanics. Even something as simple as just applying a short debuff timer when you connect a node that prevents you from collecting the buff again for a while would allow more people to engage [i]with[/i] the raid, rather than half the players just killing things and waiting for others to finish.
Just thought I'd put in my two cents.
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