Hello there! Hive Got No Friends is a chill, friendly and casual EU based clan. We accept all platforms and skill levels, be it million times gilded Conqueror or Flawless, or new player looking to finally do their first Nightfall or Raid. We aim to be welcoming and safe for all who want to get things done without being yelled at or put down. That said, yes, we do get things done, but we do so in a chill and friendly way. This is just a game after all. Activity wise, we do it all. Both the easier and more difficult content. We also do both pve and pvp. However, we are probably not the best fit if you're looking to go flawless every weekend, or do deathless raids or low mans. Our clan's rules are also very simple too. - don't join if you intend to remain a solo player and never play with anyone. We are not looking to grow our numbers for the sake of growing numbers. There's a 3-4 months inactivity limit, depending on the length of a season, and we don't expect you to be online 24/7, but you have to show a degree of activity ingame and in our Discord server. Otherwise why join a clan ;) - be a decent human being. Don't be racist, -blam!-, ableist, -blam!-, you get the idea. Just be normal. - Discord is mandatory! It's our main form of communication and teaming up. Link to our clan page: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=4713214 Link to our discord: https://discord.gg/s3zSE57eMw