There’s no “true inner being” or some “dark self”.
He came to terms with the past he learned about in Haunted and he hasn’t lived the life Uldren did so he doesn’t have the same constant damages and manipulation to tangle with.
I'm not so sure, one of the dev's actually said in the past that he is still Uldren fundamentally.
At the most basic level, yes. But being Uldren on a technical level isn’t the same as having his experiences. There is a massive, massive difference there. Crow hasn’t gone through years of abuse and being manipulated for other people’s benefits. Uldren did.
All true; but he was given the knowledge of what he did and that has played a heavy role in his development. He may yet have more demons to confront and if he fails... we all know what he is.
Bruh. Knowledge of something isn’t even close to being the same as having actually personally lived it. Crow isn’t going to develop the same way Uldren did because he has vastly different lived experiences. Ya’ll are desperate for some “crow is actually evil” story arc.
He is only about 2 years old so far as a guardian. According to the lore he was abused by spider but that didn't have much to do with the story in the end. His true nature is evil and now he knows it because of Savathune.
Editado por Unbreakable Patches: 1/28/2023 4:40:54 AMAre you trolling? You can’t be that stupid. Uldren was manipulated, abused and broken as a person, so that means Crow is inherently evil??? That’s a really interesting take lmao.
He must be evil his actions have proven it in the past. Just look at how your acting right now, it's in your nature to be a -blam!-.
[quote]He must be evil his actions have proven it in the past.[/quote] If his actions alone dictated good vs. bad then Shaxx, Mara, Saint, etc, would've been far more "evil" than Crow has ever been.
Is it in your nature to be a clueless -blam!-? Is suffering abuse and manipulation an indicator that someone is truly evil? Like what are you even saying lmao. You have a very fundamental misunderstanding of literally everything about either of these characters.
The cream always rises to the top. The Crow is evil by nature. He can't help it, it's just genetics.
Thanks for proving my point that you have no clue what you’re talking about. Leave the fan fiction and stupidity out of lore discussions, thanks.
How much is nature and how much is nurture? I would argue that most of what we are is nature.
That’s such an incredibly dogshit take. Holy hell. Saying that all we are is what nature says is such an incredibly slippery slope. The overwhelming majority of who you are in the present is a result of your lived experiences. Crow does not have the same lived experiences as Uldren so he’s going to develop incredibly differently. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say being broken and used your whole life isn’t exactly an intrinsic trait you’re born with lmao. Not to mention we’re talking about a -blam!- video game about reincarnated space magic warriors lmao. Ana knows who she was. Ana knows she is Elsie’s sister. But the relationship is estranged and not nearly as warm as it was once upon a time because Ana didn’t have any actual lived experience growing up with this sister. It’s not the same relationship as it was before she died. Do you understand? Probably not.
"I am sorry, but I couldn't resist the urge. It's in my nature."
You’ll get there eventually.
A person lands in prison for doing the wrong thing time and time again and says; don't do as I do, do as I tell you. His very nature prevents him from doing what he knows is the right thing. We each act according to our own gifts. Just as you lack the inner strength to be an adult.
Don’t even bring up prison dawg, they’re hardly meant for rehabilitation and generally worsen the states of mind that people are in lmao. It’s incredible you have literally no sense of any kind of nuance, too. Your brain is useless mush.
It's not meant to be a rehab center, it's meant to provide safety for the public from people who are naturally inclined to prey upon the weak.
“The Weak” 😂😂😂. So everyone in prison is supposedly “Strong?” What a joke. Your argument is as biased as your claims on what influences one’s character.
Editado por Unbreakable Patches: 1/28/2023 5:13:56 AMYou have such a garbage worldview. You don’t really understand much, do you?
Tell him again Patches!
I see your nature.
You’ll grow up eventually. Or not. Either way that’s your problem.