publicado originalmente en:Clan Finder
Hello! I was looking for a clan that games usually between 5pm-9pm Eastern Time. I do like to play and usually schedule 3-5 raids/dungeons per week and play 20+ hours/week. I am not hard core/harsh and will never go flawless, but like to have fun. My #1 priority is accountability. My current clans has an issue with showing up to raids they signed up for. I am very busy and do not have patience to constantly find replacements (or worse cancel) last minute. Does this fit with your clan culture? Thank you!
Hey man I see you are looking for a clan! We always have room for more in the family at WOTC our advert is bellow if interested! [b]READ THE ADVERT PLEASE![/b] Wrath Of The Crayon 1 - Wrath Of The Crayon 2 - Discord Server Link - [b](NA/OCEANA/EU)[/b] [b]ALL PLATFORMS[/b] WrathOfTheCrayon is a community focused Endgame PvE & PvP Clan. We strive to maintain a fun and active community and a family like setting, while still conquering the hardest content D2 has to offer, wether your looking for a Sherpa through a raid, a new family and place to call home or a day one raid team, we have it all here at WOTC [b][u]What does WOTC have to offer me?[/u][/b] -Consistent runs of every raid every week (Sherpas welcome!) -A highly active and experienced player base - A close knit and welcoming Community and Family of Brothers wanting to game -Active players 24/7 From EU, NA and AUS time zones -Sherpas for all activities in the game -A well developed discord and clan system that has stood the test of time over 2 years [u][b]How do I join WOTC?[/b][/u] - getting into the clan is as easy as joining the discord and following the steps provided upon arrival! ——We do have a few expectations before you apply—— -18+ (exceptions based on maturity) - ownership of the most recent DLC (Witch Queen) -A Working Mic -A Willingness to become part of the community and interact with the clan as a whole (we do not harbor engram leeches) [b][u]About The Clans[/u][/b] [i]WrathØfŦheCrayon(The Main Clan)[/i] - Admission is based on clan activity, and respect for other clan members. (earned through participation in the second clan) -Endgame focused, ie. Nightfalls, Raids and other high-end content [i] WrathOfTheCrayon 2 (Feeder Clan)[/i] -Has absolutely NO requirements to join, as everyone is welcome. No matter your skill level, we will accept anyone. Newcomers, returning veterans, absolutely everyone can join. [b]The Wrath advantage[/b] WrathOfTheCrayon is a fully settled, active and built up clan, unlike many others we have been around for over 2 years have a incredibly strong backbone of players and amazing community atmosphere. [i]Come give us a look![/i] [i]Remember “Life is like a box of crayons, you never know which one you'll get”[/i]
The Vanguard's Disciples [NA][PSN,XBOX,PC] May also be looking for Mods A new clan started by veteran Destiny players. Most of us have been playing since D1 and those that haven't started in Vanilla D2. What to expect: - All Activities! Raids, Trials, Strikes, Gambit! - Guardians that can help you with just about anything. Sherpas, Build crafting, Lore! - We use Charlemagne to set up raids unless someone wants to throw together a last minute raid. - A chill group of people welcoming to anyone that isn't toxic! - Plan to host clan nights in the future with Private matches, Tournaments, Whatever. What we are looking for: - Anyone 18 and older. - Veterans looking for a new home or New Lights looking to learn the game. - People that are active in Discord and Destiny. - Discord and Headphones are a must! - Respect Everyone at all times! Feel free to message me if you have any questions! Or Join the discord to see if we fit your style:
[u][b]JOIN AM[/b][/u] [i](click one of the clan profile links below and submit a request to join)[/i] [quote][b]Request to join:[/b] [url=]Authorized Misadventure[/url] [b]Request to join:[/b] [url=]Authorized Mistakes[/url] [b]Request to join:[/b] [url=]Authorized Misconnection[/url] [b]Request to join:[/b] [url=]Authorized Misconduct[/url] [b]Request to join:[/b] [url=]Authorized Misfit[/url] [b]Request to join:[/b] [url=]Authorized Misbehavior[/url] [b]Request to join:[/b] [url=]Authorized Miscalculation[/url][/quote] [u][b]ABOUT US[/b][/u] [quote]AM is an active clan, currently recruiting veteran Guardians to join the community. The AM community consists of eight sister clans, sharing an organized discord server for clan members to engage. With eight sister clans, we're large enough that there's always someone to play with, but we're also small enough that we still have that family feel. AM does it all: day one raids, GM's, Trials, community scrims, and everything in-between. Our community consists of mostly adults with full-time jobs.[/quote] [u][b]WHAT WE'RE LOOKING FOR[/b][/u] [quote]We're looking for like-minded mature adults who share a deep passion for Destiny. To us, the ideal Guardian is someone who immerses themselves in the Destiny community as a hobby. Whether you're a triumph hunter, gilded conqueror, low-man raider, etc., or just an all-around Destiny nerd, then we'd love to have you. [/quote] [u][b]PERKS[/b][/u] [quote]• Well-established, level-3 nitro boosted discord server. • Scheduled events, such as raids, GM's, Gambit, PVP, etc. • Seasonal fashion shows and clan Olympics. • Discord vanity role badges for veteran raiders, redjacks, and more. • Opt-in roles for LFG pings. • Discord bots, such as Charlemagne, Servant of Niris, and others. • Weekly scrims with organized ruleset for shits and giggles. • Large sherpa team to assist with teaching raid mechanics. • AM on Twitter. • Clan merch. • Giveaways. • And more...[/quote] [u][b]FAQS[/b][/u] [quote]• [b]Timezone?[/b] We're spread across North American and Europe. • [b]There are 8 AM clans, which one should I join?[/b] It doesn't [i]really[/i] matter, just pick one that you like that has room. • [b]What platform are you on?[/b] We're mixed between PC, Xbox, and Playstation.[/quote] [u][b]REQUIREMENTS[/b][/u] [quote]• Be active on Destiny 2. • Be mature. • Be fluent with Discord. [/quote] [u][b]HOW TO JOIN[/b][/u] [quote]• If you meet the above criteria, [u]submit a request to join[/u]. • After you're accepted, join the discord server (sent to you via Bungie DM's).[/quote] [i]If you're interested or have questions, let us know! Otherwise, send a request to join we'll send you a discord link after acceptance.[/i] JP