This way it will do everything that…ya know…Demolitionist does already.
Otherwise it’s just 2 lackluster perks.
Grave robber is actually a decent perk, especially if your into melee builds. Also the new melee perk buffs handling when you use your melee ability.
Melee kills don't require a melee charge. Grenade kills require spending a grenade charge.
Ever tried Pugilist and Blunt Execution Rounds?
Good point. I hope this idea gets Bungie's attention.
Editado por BUSTERxCHERRY: 9/18/2022 3:30:04 PMgrave robber/ swashbuckler is pretty good
Pudgie list
Don’t think you understand what demolitionist does and might be confusing it with adrenaline junkie.
Makes sense, so it probably won't happen. Bungo.
Get the KF HC and craft it with Pugilist/demolitionist. If you're a hunter, run Ahamkaras Grasps. Super fun.
I think OP is saying they want pugilist and grave robber to be combined into one perk to give functionality similar to demolitionist. So weapon kills provide melee energy and using a charged melee reloads the weapon.
Demolitionist gives you melee energy back ? Interesting to read your pro toughts on the subject x)