They actually came out and said it. On the leave match early penalty screen it actually says you left a competitive match. So now Crucibles dedicated player base has to play Comp, only this time no Comp rewards. It doesn’t even seem real Bungie can be this disconnected. Wow.
I've copied+pasted this to other forum topics, and will continue to do so. This "quitter penalty" to casual playlist matches is beyond bs, so thank you all for voicing your concerns and frustrations. Bungie can't leave well enough alone. The company that USED to be the "good" Bungie (aka old Halo) had a difference between ranked matches and the "casual" matches. Casual was where you'd go to eff off with your friends and not care, and the "ranked" was when you actually gave a crap. Why this new implementation of a "quitter penalty" to a "casual" game mode is beyond me. Hey Bungie, how about stop making garbage maps; sorry you put forth so much effort into "Dysjunction," but nobody likes that map. Moreover, how about ROTATE THE DAMN MAPS! It's been what, over 3+ years since they've rotated the maps? | Get rid of Disjunction (misfunction), Cathedral of Nobody-asked-for-it, and Dead Spawn-in-lockers Cliffs.....then the community might, MAYBE like the mode a little better. When you enforce a "quitter" penalty on what is supposed to be a "casual" mode, this just makes more people not want to play. You implemented SBMM [again], and yet's crap. If I wanted to sweat, I'd do Comp or Trials, and even then it's a toss-up on how my teammates will perform. If I'm trying a particular [new/fun] loadout, but either: 1.) the map is trash, and/or 2.) my team is trash... it's kinda hard to playtest something. Since you already restrict the playlists and maps that already exist, it seems beyond scummy that you would enforce a quitter penalty on the only "casual" crucible node that exists. Y'all seriously need to get your -blam!- together. Old Bungie (you know, that one's that were good and developed the old Halo's) would be turning in their graves. Shame on you all.