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Destiny 2

Discusión sobre Destiny 2
8/9/2022 4:14:17 AM

The most important thing the devs could do for Destiny right now

TL:DR - we need our campaigns back, not even for adding more playable content to the game, but for our new lights! #NoGuardianLeftBehind This is without a doubt the most important post I have made to date, so if you read any of them, I hope it’s this one. As a long time player of Destiny it has been absolutely incredible to see Destiny change and evolve over time. The journey has been grand, beginning as a new light and working my way up to the fated day I always knew would come, our encounter with greater evils than the hive, such as Rhulk. I still remember the true fear I experienced during the regicide mission in King’s Fall, as well as the Red War campaign where I felt powerless without the light. It is emotions and connections like these that I, and many others, have felt throughout the years that set Destiny to its high standard. As someone who is very deep into the lore and storytelling of destiny, it has been great seeing the story evolve through the addition of “seasonal stories” along with the major campaigns. I am able to easily follow what the dev team lays before us each season and I find that it is a great way to continue the push forward with Destiny’s storyline. I have found however, based on conversations that I have had with new lights, that the new guardians are missing many key points they connect the new light missions to the most current campaigns and seasonal stories. I fully understand the idea of a guardian waking up for the first time during the most current season and therefore would have missed all of the previous content; however, we are supposed to have deep, meaningful connections between certain friends and foes at the same time. Additionally, players are not fully familiar with characters like Savathun to understand the gravity of encountering and defeating her (or so we think). Out of everything, though, it was new lights being thrusted into Dares of Eternity that really brought me to wondering what the game was like for new players. In addition to speaking with new players, I was curious to know the new light experience as well. I ended up deleting one of my characters and starting fresh. While the new light campaign was an excellent introduction to how Destiny functions as a game, there was something missing. Like my new light friends, I too found there was an obvious disconnect between the new light missions with Shaw Han and the rest of the game. With these points in mind, I feel we must bring back all of the old campaigns. Story missions have always been the core of what makes destiny the game I know it to be. Bringing back the old campaigns will allow for the new lights to build strong connections to both Destiny as a game and the incredible story it tells behind closed curtains. Additionally, as a decent bit of story has occurred during seasonal stories, it could be nice for a vendor or the director to have an easy way of telling players what happened during the seasonal stories. I do want to be clear in that in this post I do not aim to judge the decisions made by the Development team along the way, as all have their reasonings. My hope is to bring about a change I feel all will benefit from. Out of all the things I wish as a veteran, the one wish I hope comes true is that I can one day leave this game knowing the next to rise will build the same connections to Destiny that I have along the way, as new lights are our future as a community. Thank you to all who took the time to read this post. I hope you out there feel similarly and, if you don’t or you have other ideas, feel free to share your thoughts below. See you all out there!

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  • I’d rather have a movie instead of the campaigns back, they’d be a single play through and then nadda for the overwhelming majority of players if they even replayed them. Witch queen set a new standard for campaign levels inside destiny and personally I’m never bothering with anything less now.

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