Gambit has horrible connection issues and has for a while
As the title says, for me and others in my clan Gambit has been absolutely -blam!- since Season of the Lost.
I am playing on a base model 1TB Xbox One, and while I know the hardware isn’t great, I’ve played Destiny 2 for years on it with no long-term issues. In Lost, however, I started to see horrible connection issues while in Gambit ONLY, and they would worsen over the length of the match, causing freezing, stuttering, rubber-banding, etc, especially in the Primeval phase.
This issue would kick me and others in my fireteam, as well as enemy players, and led to a pile of Beaver codes severe enough to land me with a temp-ban on match made game modes at the end of Lost.
I cooled off on Gambit, but after WQ launch and the rework I was interested to play again. Same issue, for me and a couple buddies. Maybe 70% of matches result in me or another player being disconnected. Gave up on it pretty quickly and lost interest for the rest of the season.
Now, coming back to it for Solstice and Seasonal challenges, the issue STILL persists. My console is the only thing connected to my internet, running
20 mbps DL and 5 mbps UL, packet loss of 1%, yet I can barely complete a single match without being Beavered to Orbit once we get the Primeval rolling.
WTF is happening here? Is this a known issue, like is there some kind of memory leak or bug? Is my Xbox the limiter here, or Wi-Fi?
I would really like to be able to play Gambit again, but I am worried that my account will be banned for connection issues, even though I rarely ever experience disconnects in any other game mode.
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