I think DB 3.0 could have benefited greatly by making the 3 aspects more specialized.
I'm no game dev, but i really would have enjoyed this rework more if Icarus dash wasn't hogging an aspect.
-activate heat rises with slide melee
-put ID on heat rises
-make support focused aspect that lets you charge your grenade into a heal again along with a Sol buddy that provided grenade energy and restoration x1 for the caster. Sol Soul cures nearby players.
[b]Heat Rises:[/b] (aerial/movment)
-Shoot and use abilties while gliding
-Aerial kills extend heat rises and gives melee energy. Aerial kills while heat rises is active grant cure x1.
-Activate heat rises by slide meleeing, this send you into the air. (like arc staff move and consumes melee energy)
-Can perform Icarus dash (perhaps only when heat rises is active which isn't hard to get from melee now, ill leave that open for questionable balance)[/quote]
[quote][b]Touch of Flame:[/b] (grenades)
-Same as it is (though i don't ever see warlocks using firebolt, does it need some looking at?)[/quote]
[b]Bountiful Sunlight:[/b] (support)
-Overcharge your grenade into a healing grenade, extends glide
-Your class ability grants you a Sol Soul (Orange Soul). Sol Soul Grants increased grenade regen and restoration x1 for a moderate duration.
-Sol Soul grants cure x2 to nearby players and grants some class abilty energy back to you when curing allies.[/quote]
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