F.E.A.R (Face.Everything.And.Rise)
is an ages 18+ community.
Our main focus will be teaching/learning raids. (help is always available for other activities too)
Let’s be honest raids are by far the best, also one of the most rewarding parts of Destiny 2.
Our goal is to build a community full of Gaurdians who are willing to learn, teach, and complete raids, gambits, strikes, crucibles 24/7.
Time isnt an issue, Lack of Gaurdians is the only issue. We want to make lasting friendships and would like to see the clan grow into something special and unique in the Destiny 2 community. 💯
Also one more thing, in the future we will be making our own merchandise, having a rward system, the ranking system will be millitary ranking and adding other ranks on top such as ones bungie made for Halo as well just in honor for Bungie and only title wise for our members.
So no matter what level of experience you have, If this sounds like something you might be interested in, whether it’s to join a clan or just hang out in our discord, see below:
Follow these steps to join our clan or server:
1. Upvote/Comment on this Post
2. Click the discord link provided and follow the steps in Server Setup https://discord.gg/F.E.A.R (Face.Everything.And.Rise)
And that's it! You are now a member of F.E.A.R (Face.Everything.And.Rise)
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you all within the community!! 💯🔥
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