Im so happy right now...that's all
Edit: WOW thanks for all the sweet replies (and for those wondering what I earned) , I got hipfire and adren junkie on the SMG (an okay roll I think) with adept Icarus grip mod
Congrats!!!! I remember the first time I ever went flawless (way back in D1, I haven't yet in D2) and it felt incredible.
Congratulations! You earned your adept! Unlike some people…
No one cares anymore.
Congrats! Don't forget next time (because you will do it again, my friend) you can turn in your flawless card to Saint 14 with a Trials engram to get another adept roll!
👍 Hope enjoyed the flight in!
Editado por ceejay: 4/13/2022 8:13:33 PMI made a post about so many PvP players being awful people, judging by some of the replies on here, seems I wasn’t wrong. Nice work by the way, I know the feeling. Onwards and upwards!
Hopefully you deleted that garbage roll
In the words of the great Shaxx, [b][i]AAAAAAAAGGGHHHHHH![/i][/b]
Cool. Was it worth it. What’s the roll?
And let me guess how you got there. As an ivis hunter
That's give me my coffee and donuts.
I feel like I should've been to the Lighthouse by now, but I keep getting slapped in the face by how bad matchmaking is.
Well done! Did you get anything good?
Nice bro👍
Good job man
I failed again so congratulations good to see someone got it done.
Congratulations Titan, proud of your persistence and grit. Hopefully many more to come.
Congrats! I came to terms with it in D1 that I would never see the Lighthouse because I’m not a PvP guy. I just started playing Trials this season out of boredom and to get rewards and ended up going flawless two nights ago.
I was gonna go flawless but on my last game it got matched 2v3 and my teammate ended up leaving me to a 1v3. But then I managed to go flawless after that so definitely happy still
Good work Guardian!
Well done, congratulations 😁
Nice job, bud!💪
congrat for the luck