This is so irritating I tried to do the first encounter with an LFG group and every time I lag out for a bit enemies regaining health and spawning back in and players running into walls then 𝗕𝗔𝗠 booted to orbit with the error code Spinach/Cabbage or with a side of Beaver I got through the first two encounters of VOTD (Vow of the Disciple) but this is so annoying. After seeing the BungieHelp article about this I contacted my provider who said that it's the game itself, not me so I don't know what else to do about this. tried looking up guides and trying to fix it resting the console, Internet, The Router but nothing works. This is a pain and sucks since the percentage of getting the error code is slim during other activities (U get it but it is really rare, know this cus I went through patrol and a legendary mission without it happening) If anyone has a fix for this or want to provide assistance keep in mind I'm on PS4 but hopefully this is fixed or at least provide light to this situation
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