Before I even start talking trash, this raid has to be the greatest between Destiny 1 and Destiny 2. This isn't just because my team did extremely well, despite losing over an hour to error codes in the Obelisk room. It was well designed, had an insanely attractive aesthetic, and had mechanically-challenging encounters in place. [u][b]Please upvote this AND discuss which one you like, regardless of your ability to clear it and regardless of the server instabilities that you as an individual were having.[/b][/u] It is still very much possible to clear the raid in 18 hours easily if we assume each team has to deal with bugs for 6 hours (much longer than most teams were actually encountering them).
That being said, giving players who completed the raid on Day 2 the same reward as players who completed it on Day 1 devalues the achievement of the people who were able to not only power through the error codes, but also pioneer the strategies that are employed on the Day 2 completions. If you don't believe me, Datto already has guides up on every encounter, and theres enough time left at the time I began this writing for my team to re-complete the raid start to finish assuming our time is similar (just over 12 hours). There is some solutions to this, however.
In both scenarios, Day 1 clearers get both emblems.
There is already an easy to differentiate between who is a Day 1 Clearer and a Day 2 Clearer, as Raid Report shows "Contest" for Day 2 clearers and "Day One" for Day 1 clearers. This can be looked up at a moment's notice, so for those saying that it can't be done, or that it shouldn't be done, it already has been.
Solution 1: Give the people who cleared on Day 2 a separate emblem that is not "The Cleaver". This would ensure that those who completed it on contest mode still get something special, and those who completed in the first 24 hours get to keep their shiny, new and exclusive emblem. However, this would mean that Bungie's stance would have to change with their tweet earlier about Day 2 clearers still getting "The Cleaver" emblem becoming a lie/irrelevant. This would be easier, programming wise, given that Bungie still has to manually give Day 2 clears an emblem either way. They'll probably use a timekeeping system that searches for "cleared X before Y date/time" and give it to all players who have a clear and do not have the emblem. This way, "The Cleaver" emblem stays exclusive to Day 1 clears as it is right now.
Solution 2: Give the people who cleared on Day 1 a specially created, different emblem at a later date. This would be more difficult, since Bungie would now have to do extra work to create a new emblem and identify who is a Day 1 clearer and who is a Day 2 clearer. However, Bungie's tweet about "The Cleaver" emblem being distributed at a later date would still be true, and that way, both Day 1 clearers and Day 2 clearers get to have something special.
Contest mode is no easy walk in the park. But Day 1 is much more than just being underlight. That achievement of powering through contest mode, error codes, and the difficulty of uncertainty should be recognized and treasured. Being able to know how to do the raid changes everything, and there's no denying the large drop in difficulty after watching a guide, which IS in the playing cards.
Editado por Jays Desafio: 3/7/2022 8:54:57 PMMad cuz good? Suck it up bro, it’s not that serious. Many have failed what you accomplished. Stop being a toxic nerd and move on. [spoiler]Downvote[/spoiler]