The Geezer Guard is a well established active XboxOne clan of older guardians. Most of us are in our 40s and 50s but, all mature guardians are welcome. We have members all across North America and the UK. We are very laid back, low stress group. Need help with a quest line, night falls or dungeons? We're all willing to help. No need to play with strangers or use LFG. All I ask from our members is to be respectful to your clan mates and help out when you can. If you’re looking for a clan where you can just have fun playing a game full of good people we're what you're looking for.
We use discord for all our communications. A link will be sent to approved members.
We use Xbox party chat for all in game communication.
I’m thrilled by all the interest in our clan. I send a screening question to anyone who applies. If you’ve applied please check your messages. Also, we use Xbox party chat for all in game communication.
Editado por Mooselizer: 12/28/2021 10:05:18 AMHey - just sent an request. 48 yr old Brit here, been playing since D1 Alpha and struggling to find a clan that isn’t shouty potheads or who organise raids for 4pm on a Saturday. 😂 Be good to get involved. 👍
Editado por Aero210: 12/27/2021 7:01:48 PM[quote]The Geezer Guard is a well established active XboxOne clan of older guardians. Most of us are in our 40s and 50s but, all mature guardians are welcome. We have members all across North America and the UK. We are very laid back, low stress group. Need help with a quest line, night falls or dungeons? We're all willing to help. No need to play with strangers or use LFG. All I ask from our members is to be respectful to your clan mates and help out when you can. If you’re looking for a clan where you can just have fun playing a game full of good people we're what you're looking for. We use discord for all our communications. A link will be sent to approved members.[/quote] Hi 54 year old guardian on PSN from the UK. Been playing since D1 beta. As an adult my gaming time is haphazard & like many have loads of partly completed quests that I'm unable to finish on my own. I run nightfalls weekly & play crucible including solo queue for trials, only a 1.0kd. Would always be happy to help out anyone complete their outstanding quests. Not really used Discord much but would be willing to learn. Would be real happy to game with similarly aged guardians instead of the usual squeekers from lfg with banging background music.
If you'll have me, I'm in.
This clan sounds like it's my speed. I'm interested.
Hello, I’m just looking for some people to play with, kind of tired of all the trolls and screaming. Just want to play in calm, relaxed, and casual setting.
I was randomly invited to a clan recently and joined to see what it was all about, but your clan sounds more of my alley. I've been playing when I can - weekly since my nephew turned me on to Destiny 2. I've done a little bit of PVP and none of the non-matchmaking content. I'm interested in learning raids and dungeons. I'm not great at PVP but am willing to give a try. As for my age, well, I had to turn up the brightness and hold my phone at arm's length to read your forum post if that answers your question. O_o
I’m in! I am into it all. Been going flawless on my own time and can help with that aswell. I’m 41 and live in Alaska on PSN, I’m a captain of a commercial fishing vessel. Play in the winter and fall times
Hey there, I think I would like to give Geezer Guard a try. I am playing on the free to play and am about ready to make purchases for some of the expansions, but would love to find a clan at the same time as I learn the content with more experienced, mature Guardians. I turn 30 in a few days and want a more casual, mature setting. Thanks in advance, doves_descent