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Come one come all. Those who wander the darkness beckon. Will you join?
Wanderers of the abyss[WOTA]
PC / x-Box / PS
We are a massively chill clan that is for the higher end missions & isn't going to force you to play every day of the week.
Still need help? Message one of the discord admins as they are all admins in the clan
Main admin: Falker#7851
Why you should join us;
⦿we're a chill group & we let anyone in that is above light level 1250.
⦿Weekly raids such as VOG and many others of the community's choice
⦿Already massive clan with great players.
⦿Simply send a request and we will most likely accept you within a day.
⦿We are a AUS clan but anyone that can speak English can join.
⦿If this is still up we are still looking for players
⦿We don't mind age unless it is a danger to others
⦿Be open to being a part of raids
⦿Join the discord
⦿Be mature as there may be mentions of NSFW content
⦿Above 1250
⦿Decent internet
⦿You will be expected to use VC
Not sure? Just join the clan discord and join talk to the people that are a part of our small community to decide whether or not that you want to join our clan.
Clan link;
Discord link;
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