Hey Bungie, I guess this is the best way to reach you since I couldn’t find a contact form which fits my issue.
Pre-shadowkeep I had formed a clan with a buddy of mine and then we stopped playing around shadowkeep. Beyond light came out and my buddy left the clan, leaving me the only member.
However, on the clan tab it says there are 2 members of the clan, even though I’m the only name listed in the roster. I would like to leave the clan since I’ve started playing with others and I’d like to join their clans, but it says I can’t leave since I’m the founder of the clan and there has to be no other members before I do so.
Is there a way you guys can just force me out of the clan? I don’t care if it’s disbanded or anything.
Clan is 99th Precinct of Brooklyn with clan tag [99!]
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