I've seen pins and Emblems for BLM, Womans Day, Pride Day. Why hasn't there been one for people who suffer From Mental Illness and People Like me who Suffer From CRPS(RSD)
For those who don't know What CRPS is...i'll tell you. CRPS( Complex Regional Pain Syndrome is a Nerve Disorder you can see more at this link https://www.ninds.nih.gov/Disorders/Patient-Caregiver-Education/Fact-Sheets/Complex-Regional-Pain-Syndrome-Fact-Sheet. This is a Terrible thing to go through. i went through 3 Surgery's....unfortunally no sucsess. CRPS not only makes you live day and night, hour by minute in pain.....it can even push one to take their own life. its a Fate so Terrible, one that i wouldn't wish on anyone. even those who suffer from PTSD, Assult, Those who are scared for Life. there's actually a Symbol of Mental Health, its a Green Ribbon. This one for CRPS. https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.d7prYUxDYnCXtOg1TP12JQHaD4?w=325&h=180&c=7&o=5&dpr=2&pid=1.7 i like that one.
I would be greatfull if i could show my support in-game for those suffering from Mental illness and to show those who i play with, what i suffer From. i've heard of accounts of people who suffered from depression, risk of taking their own life. And that playing Destiny helped bring them out of the Dark and helped them form new Friendships, people to talk to. i should know, i met good people to play with.
Please Bungie...think on it.
They can’t cover everything. Chronic pain and mental disorders are incredible burdens for anyone to deal with. My wife has fibromyalgia and my son is autistic. But you seriously can’t expect companies to represent every facet of human suffering. It’s unrealistic.