I've seen pins and Emblems for BLM, Womans Day, Pride Day. Why hasn't there been one for people who suffer From Mental Illness and People Like me who Suffer From CRPS(RSD)
For those who don't know What CRPS is...i'll tell you. CRPS( Complex Regional Pain Syndrome is a Nerve Disorder you can see more at this link https://www.ninds.nih.gov/Disorders/Patient-Caregiver-Education/Fact-Sheets/Complex-Regional-Pain-Syndrome-Fact-Sheet. This is a Terrible thing to go through. i went through 3 Surgery's....unfortunally no sucsess. CRPS not only makes you live day and night, hour by minute in pain.....it can even push one to take their own life. its a Fate so Terrible, one that i wouldn't wish on anyone. even those who suffer from PTSD, Assult, Those who are scared for Life. there's actually a Symbol of Mental Health, its a Green Ribbon. This one for CRPS. https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.d7prYUxDYnCXtOg1TP12JQHaD4?w=325&h=180&c=7&o=5&dpr=2&pid=1.7 i like that one.
I would be greatfull if i could show my support in-game for those suffering from Mental illness and to show those who i play with, what i suffer From. i've heard of accounts of people who suffered from depression, risk of taking their own life. And that playing Destiny helped bring them out of the Dark and helped them form new Friendships, people to talk to. i should know, i met good people to play with.
Please Bungie...think on it.
Hey there. I'm sorry for the pain you've gone through, and I appreciate what you're asking and wanted to let you know that what you've described is important to us. I can't comment on exactly what we're working on, but we do currently have projects in place that we hope will spread awareness about some of the issues you mentioned.
We dont need representation of every dāmn little thing in gaming. Sucks that you are suffering but leave your illness at the door. And before you all get on my ašs about this: I didn't get an emblem for having depression or suīcidal thoughts but i didn't complain that there was no representation for depression/suīcide awareness. Point is, We dont need representation everywhere. Sure we are all unique in own way but wheres the line between awareness and entitlement? Its getting to the point in society that its no longer awareness and is becoming entitlement. You are not entitled to something just because you identify with groups, illness, etc. To end off this post: This is my opinion, you are free to disagree with me. Sucks i have to put up this disclaimer but if i don't, i know i will get attacked for trying to label it as fact even though im clearly not.
You gotta understand. Mental Health isn't an "advertise able" thing. Bungie puts out BLM, Woman's day, and Pride pins/emblems because they want to virtue signal that they are woke. You can't virtue signal about mental health because the people they virtue signal too don't give a crap about it either. Same reason bungie doesn't put out pins for the other cancer awareness months and stuff. It isn't virtue signalable.
Editado por Doc_Roidberg: 6/4/2021 8:43:54 PMThey won’t because there’s no politics attached to it. I’m sorry for what you’ve endured.
How about our troops that defend this country.
I don't think there should be pins for any of the aforementioned. It's a video game, they should keep the politics out of it.
[quote]I've seen pins and Emblems for BLM, Womans Day, Pride Day. Why hasn't there been one for people who suffer From Mental Illness and People Like me who Suffer From CRPS(RSD) For those who don't know What CRPS is...i'll tell you. CRPS( Complex Regional Pain Syndrome is a Nerve Disorder you can see more at this link https://www.ninds.nih.gov/Disorders/Patient-Caregiver-Education/Fact-Sheets/Complex-Regional-Pain-Syndrome-Fact-Sheet. This is a Terrible thing to go through. i went through 3 Surgery's....unfortunally no sucsess. CRPS not only makes you live day and night, hour by minute in pain.....it can even push one to take their own life. its a Fate so Terrible, one that i wouldn't wish on anyone. even those who suffer from PTSD, Assult, Those who are scared for Life. there's actually a Symbol of Mental Health, its a Green Ribbon. This one for CRPS. https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.d7prYUxDYnCXtOg1TP12JQHaD4?w=325&h=180&c=7&o=5&dpr=2&pid=1.7 i like that one. I would be greatfull if i could show my support in-game for those suffering from Mental illness and to show those who i play with, what i suffer From. i've heard of accounts of people who suffered from depression, risk of taking their own life. And that playing Destiny helped bring them out of the Dark and helped them form new Friendships, people to talk to. i should know, i met good people to play with. Please Bungie...think on it.[/quote] Amogus [spoiler]only military personnel will understand[/spoiler]
hmm okay then i want an Emblem/pin for forgotten dusty Clocks, one for my beloved Pets, for my IED (Intermittent Explosive Disorder)<thanks to my Family... and i want one Emblem for the Empty Potato bag Disease everyone has to through on weekends... having an Emblem to support your Mental illness does nothing... people helping you and stay close to you to help if needed... that is what you need and not some Emblem in a Game or a Pin you wear... its sad that you have a Nerve Disease... but by asking for Free presents or attention you will not walk far on that path made out of your wishes and ideas... you can spread awarness about your disease... but not by asking bungie for a Pin/Emblem
Stop complaining or don’t play the game you deserve nothing for pain just deal with it and get on with your life
This is a good idea......What?.....Stop looking at me......Aargh!!!.....I don’t need new slippers.......My cat ran away.
Editado por DeathPony07: 6/4/2021 1:42:39 AMI have bi-polar disorder. I don't expect anyone to treat me like I'm special because of it. I don't need a special snowflake pin either.
ADHD Aspergers Seasonal depression General anxiety disorder Insomnia Hay fever and pet allergies! I don’t expect anything and agree with those who think politics should be left out of games, however, I agree with Bungie adding content pertaining to interests outside of the game if they are actually investing and helping people with various needs; as I know they do, Bungie actually do great work for people in need thus adding content pertaining to their interests is a good thing as it helps the player base get involved in something they may not otherwise think or know about and further promotes donations to worthy causes! As long as Bungie are investing time and money into charity and helping others then I see no harm in adding and bringing awareness into the game that corresponds with their endeavour, however, if that’s not the case then I see no reason for them to do so other than to seem politically correct, which holds no weight, it’s just an emblem! Basically, if any game adds content pertaining to anything political, charity and current affairs I’m usually on google searching what that company is doing to help the situations at hand, so I can further donate and if not, well, how good is that to bring awareness and not do anything themselves....
The real question is why does any of it exist?
This should be a fun comment section!
A simple mental awareness emblem would be nice, I see so many replies here talking about each condition. Yeah of course there are people with different mental issues, obviously bungie cant make an emblem for each one! Just one emblem that represents or gets the point across for mental health is more than enough.
Im a schizofrenic, will i get an emblem too?
They can’t cover everything. Chronic pain and mental disorders are incredible burdens for anyone to deal with. My wife has fibromyalgia and my son is autistic. But you seriously can’t expect companies to represent every facet of human suffering. It’s unrealistic.
My son has severe cerebral palsy..why no emblems or pins? My grandfather dies from non Hodgkins Lymphoma- pin? I mean, where does it end?
Editado por name: 6/4/2021 7:42:14 PMhow will a pin or emblem help me to fix my broken mental health tho ?
Editado por BluEyedGiant: 6/5/2021 12:03:01 AM
Dude, this game is designed around Eververse and FOMO. They created an entire collections tab and there are thousands of items that you can no longer collect. It should be abundantly clear that Bungie does not give two shits about mental health.
Because if one emblem is made for one thing, then people will beg for more emblems. Bungie isn't capable of multitasking.
Don't need an emblam for everything 🤦♂️
I need an emblem honoring the brain cells i lost reading these comments