I can't get in the game of Destiny 2 since I've activated cross save with Xbox one, But I still want to keep my PC cross play active, which on PC it works fine. Ever since I got the game on Xbox it won't let me get into the game saying I don't own a license, even by knowing I only have one Xbox Account. AND To top it off, I got in the game once by spam pressing A on the Xbox controller, and ever since I got out the game, its now doing the same thing again. Error 0x803f8001. Now even when spamming to get in the game I can't get back in. So I did all that Xbox services recommended, including a Factory reset. Legit after all of that, the game is still not letting me launch, and I can't play on Xbox One. The reason I want to play on Xbox one as well as PC, is because I have friends in my Clan on both those platforms! So please can someone help me so I don't waist my 100 dollors on getting the DLC'S AGAIN!!!!
-Randomly after pressing the Xbox One Version of Destiny 2 Again I got back in??!!! Very Confused?
The Question is, if I get back out later, can i get back in again or will I have to wait for 5 years?
So now what I did was get off the game, and just to see if I can get back in, its giving me this other error code about not being on the main account, which like I said before, I only have one account!!!!
Welp Either way I'd rather keep all my cross save info connected including the Xbox account, since legit it lets me play the game after a few trys and waiting for around 5-9mins. Just dumb how I can play right away on PC, but have to wait on Xbox One for it to work lol, and not give me an Error code
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