Brainiac: Sweat Clan/ Trials clan recruiting
Clan: Brainiac
System: PS4/ps5
Location: UK, Europe & US
Play Time: We are mainly NA players.
About us: Our clan is formed by and filled with PVP enthusiasts, with a focus on Trials over the weekend and scrims during the week. Our clan reaches the lighthouse by the dozens every week, consistently playing Top 500 players along the way. Our clan communications are through Discord where we strive to keep a chilled environment.
What we are looking for: Highly skilled players that love the crucible and reach the lighthouse multiple times per weekend. We have a skill floor and upon request to join the clan, you will play against current members to see if you are a good fit. We are looking for our fellow 1% of players.
What we have to offer: We are a chill, top tier active clan that offers an environment to hone your skills in the crucible.
If you are interested in a tryout comment below or send a DM, 1.3 trials KD minimum
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