bug report: xbox party chat disconnection preceding in-game disconnection without error code
[u]Part 1[/u]
1. Player A experiences disconnection from Xbox party chat with players B and C, followed by disconnection from fireteam containing players A, B, and C without error code reported.
2. Rejoining fireteam of B and C is prevented with in-game error: "unable to join target player."
3. Player C is able to disconnect from Xbox chat and rejoin A and B.
4. Player C remains unable to rejoin fireteam with players B and C.
[u]Part 2[/u]
5. After removing player A from the fireteam, Player C is able to form a new fireteam with Player B.
6. Player A is unable to join new fire team with B and C, receiving same in-game message "Unable to join target player".
7. Player A is not disconnected from Xbox Party Chat.
[b]When did error occur:[/b]
After patch 3.0.1. Prior to patch 3.0.1 player C was able to play continuously with A and B.
[b]Player conditions[/b]
Player A: AT&T ADSL internet connection (15/5), Xbox One S, NAT type Moderate
Player B: FiOS internet connection (1GB), Xbox One S, NAT type Open
Player C: Residential Cable Internet connection (200MB), Next Gen Xbox, NAT Type Open
All players have party type set to public.
All players have parental controls disabled for their respective XBL accounts.
[b]Workarounds attempted (unsuccessful)[/b]
Part 1:
test: Player A (not fireteam leader) in fireteam AB sends Xbox join game invite to entire party.
result: Player C is unable to join AB.
Test: Player C sends Xbox join game invite to entire party. Player B (fireteam leader for AB) receives in-game prompt to join fireteam and bring player A. Player B selects to Bring Player A.
Result: Player B receives message "unable to join target player."
Test: Player C sends Xbox join game invite to entire party. Player B (fireteam leader for AB) receives in-game prompt to join fireteam and bring player A. Player B selects to Leave Player A.
Result: Player B joins player C. This triggers Part 2 of bug report.
[b]Steps to reproduce:[/b]
The player and game conditions above are relatively static. We have not measured the precise elapsed time yet, but it does happen every time we have tried to play together. Typically it occurs after a small number of in-game activities that elapse over 15 minutes to approximately 45. If this gets a blue response I'll start measuring times accurately if requested.
[i]my notes[/i]
The obvious common denominator is Player A and their potato internet. Player A frequently experiences disconnects from the Tower and Gambit and (angrily) reports that other players are "appearing from nowehere" in the Crucible. I imagine this is likely caused by saturation of their uplink bandwidth which eventually kicks him out. He has also recently received a log in message on his screen indicating Bungie has detected he has a terrible internet connection (which was funny to me).
HOWEVER, this behavior has remained relatively static and has not impacted our regular fireteam. Our friend player C recently upgraded to a next Gen console and we were still able to play together with relatively the same level of cursing from player A. After the upgrade to 60 FPS, player C started to experience the disconnection behaviors. What is further compounding the weirdness is that the loss of comms on Xbox chat is a reliable predictor of player C disconnecting, which does not seem like it should be a thing.
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