Join Winter Clan in the fight against the Darkness! [11K Active] [Discord Required] [XB1] [D2] [NA/EU] [PvE/PvP]
[b]Don't fight the Darkness alone![/b]
Winter Clan is looking for new members to join our amazing community! Winter has multiple branches across the three platforms, and we are always growing. With over 11K members across all platforms, the fun never stops and there is always someone around and online to link up with, to take down the Darkness!
Winter is dedicated to a fun and enjoyable atmosphere where players of all skill levels can enjoy events like raids, PvP, Nightfalls, Custom events, and Tournaments that our leadership puts together.
We use discord as our primary chat client for event planning, discussion, and communication in general. It is required for all members to be present in our community discord server. Multi-clanning is frowned upon and in-game clan membership is required to participate in official Winter events. Winter is a mature community, so some discussions may not be always appropriate for people of a younger age, for that we have a minimum age requirement of 16 years or older. It is imperative that you own and use a microphone for social and gaming purposes. Toxicity is not permitted. Hate or derogatory speech including attacks on one’s gender, religion, race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation is not tolerated. Friendly banter and well-intentioned ribbing within the community guidelines is, however, permitted.
To join, simply follow these steps:
* Join our Discord
* Follow the instructions in our discord to our website and create your profile:
* Ask leadership for a clan link to join us in-game!
It's as simple as that! Once you are a part of our discord, drop a mention to one of our Destiny Lieutenants and we will verify and accept your application to the clan! Happy hunting Guardians!
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