Take a look at the linked image and try guessing what the focus of the armor was. (spoiler, it was intellect!). I was disappointed that the focused armor after spending moderately expensive materials were not really high stat values, I usually get in range of 50-58. But they seem to have no focus at all. there are two stats mobility and strength that are higher on that piece of boot which was focused for intellect ! They may be working as expected which is sad, there is no reason to do focusing given the lack of focus of resulting armor piece. And its not even an isolated incident, every piece of armor I have focused so far using the recaster has had a stat value higher other than the one which it was focused for.
Anything below 65+ (stat number) is trash I read something about this in Reddit, and it does not look like it is working or at the very least working differently they expected. I still have about 20 levels to go before I need to think about trying this.
Editado por razerblade55: 6/27/2020 8:37:38 AMstat foucing ensures that you get a 10 in the chosen stat and then the rest is at the mercy of RNG