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Im a friendly dude, a vet from d1, always looking to make new friends. I want to do raids, will be getting forsaken and shadowkeep soon, can be a learder, i play on hunter and titan
Hey what’s going on fellow Guardian. I am Kews part of KSI Global Clan. Are you tired of looking for players in LFG? Are you part of a clan that is no longer active or barely plays together? Struggling to obtain certain weapons or clear activities? Looking to learn New and Old Raids? Joining KSI Clan things that you gain by becoming part of the clan. 1. We are not a typical clan more a group of like minded players and are more of a gaming community and build bonds of friendship along the way. 2. An active Discord server. Everyone in the clan communicates via discord. The clan has a dedicated LFG as well as clan wide communications to just discuss anything. 3. A mature and respectful clan regardless of your age. You want to play with players around your age we have players that can fill that void. 4. We teach Sherpas aka new players when it comes to raids. You want to learn LW, GOS, SOTP, COS we will show you how and help with those clears. 5. A clan were someone is always on it can be 6 am or 3pm someone in the clan is always on. Lastly KSI Clan is not just on PS4 but we all cross platform we have players on xbox, pc and steam. We also play other games as well Rainbow Six Siege, Fortnite, and Call of Duty. Requirements = Must be an active player as everyone in the clan participates towards clan goals. If you are interested you can contact me PSN & Discord = KSI_Kews365