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3/5/2020 2:25:22 AM

Disconnected from game - noted as voluntary

Hi, It's the 4th or 5th time I'm being disconnected while playing (crucible and gambit as well) and I receive a message describing the situation as "OOPS! don't leave the game that's bad behavior". I did not leave those games willingly, I was just disconnected. There were no network spikes, I'm not playing over wifi, and my hardware specs include 32GB RAM, 12 core CPU, SSD, and a GeForce 2060 RTX I'm worried that I will get banned just because the game decided to break on me. Help?

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  • Hi there. You received that message because your account left that match. I understand that you didn't willingly leave it and it happened due to a connection issue, but your account still left. You could be experiencing internet provider issues. Below are suggestions that may help with your issue:[quote] [b]1.[/b] Use a wired connection rather than Wi-Fi [b]2.[/b] Quit any program or turn off other devices that are streaming [b]3.[/b] [url=]Clear your console cache[/url] or, if on PC, [url=]verify the integrity of your game files[/url]. [b]4.[/b] Power cycle your internet router [b]5.[/b] [url=]Improve your latency and packet loss[/url] [b]6.[/b] Follow our [url=]Network Troubleshooting Guide[/url] for best optimizing your connection to Destiny. If issues persist, try our [url=]Advanced Steps Networking Guide[/url] for possible router solutions, such as enabling UPnP or changing your NAT type. [b]7.[/b] Enable IPV6 on your router to see if that helps [/quote]

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