Summary of events: The Marksman killed Sundance, RiP. Uldren killed Cayde, RiP.
Facts; Sundance is gone. Cayde is dead. Cayde was never drained of his Light, like the victims of the original Thorn, like Jaren Ward. As long as a Guardian is not specifically drained of their Light, they can be brought back by a Ghost. Any Ghost.
Lore Facts;[u] Shin Malphur was killed as a child, and almost immediately resurrected by a Ghost.[/u] This Ghost then sacrificed it self by leading Fallen away from Shin's group. Shin goes on to grow up in a town called Palamon, where he meets both Jaren Ward and Dredgen Yor. After Yor destroyed Palamon, a small group of survivors, including Shin and Jaren, track him over a period of years. One night Jaren sneaks off to have a stand-off with Yor alone. [u]Yor drains Jaren of his light, but doesn't kill his Ghost.[/u] Instead, he tells the Ghost to go to "The Other" and take him "Jaren's piece," The Last Word. The Ghost immediately knows Yor is referring to Shin. The Ghost finds Shin, and [u]adopts him as her new guardian.[/u]
What Bungie have established through this lore is that Ghosts are not irrevocably tied to a single guardian. If a Ghost's guardian is made mortal and then dies, then the Ghost can take up another guardian, possibly finding a new one "from scratch." So all we need to bring Cayde back is to find a Ghost who's guardian was made mortal, and then killed. I'm sure there are many after the Red War, but I can think of a more poetic way to bring him back. With Dredgen Yor's Ghost. Or to be more accurate, Rezyl Azzir's Ghost, the man who was corrupted by a Hive Wizard and turned to the Darkness. Yor sent his Ghost away, ordering it to go and tell of the man he had become. In theory, Yor's Ghost could resurrect Cayde. But even if he couldn't, ANY Ghost who's guardian was made mortal and died could adopt Cayde.
TL;DR: Cayde could be adopted and brought back by ANY Ghost who's guardian was made mortal and died, just like Shin Malphur was adopted by Jaren Ward's Ghost when Dredgen Yor used Thorn to drain Ward of his Light.
simply put we just have Fynch be Caydes ghost.
Alright, this might seem too simple, but aren't Exo just sentient machines? There must be some sort of memory in every exo, meaning they could be downloaded and installed into a new body. There is a chance that Cayde could possibly be rebuilt. Now the argument against this is the fact that exos were built thousands of years ago, so it would be hard to build one. But there are pretty many exo guardians which can be sccanned and reverse-engineered from scratch. There could also be sealed off ancient exo factories, which could contain blueprints and perhaps even a finished body inside.
The whole praxic fire conspiracy was that the drifter may or may not have provided the marksman with a thorn bullet, and if he didn’t we’re pretty sure the marksman had a thorn bullet therefore thorn was involved in Cayde’s death
Editado por Nazgûl: 2/3/2020 12:23:12 PMCayde's dead, he ain't coming back, just accept it and move on. The next Hunter Vanguard is more likely to be one of the following: Uldren - as Cayde wanted whoever killed him to become next Vanguard. The Colonel Sweeper Bot Shiro Petra Fenchurch
Sorry but this is Retcon: the Videogame and your facts are no longer facts.
Yeah, a community event; 1000000 silver donation. XD
There is no proof that the child is Shin, also that they were headed to the city, not some seemingly oppressed village.
But can a contract with nathan fillion be negotiated. Thats why cayde died contract and recording issues from my understanding.
Editado por Grays_KS27: 2/3/2020 6:27:56 AMJaren’s Ghost spoke to Shin at this moment, but there is absolutely no confirmation of him becoming Shin’s Ghost and he was never seen again. And there is no lore where Shin was injured or required a Ghost or was seen with a Ghost after that time. There is still no proof that a Guardian can go through multiple Ghosts. Several characteristics of the bonds between Guardians and Ghosts remain mysteries to us.
He wouldn't be cayde at that point then And the question isn't can he come back, but should he
Did you know he said that he wouldn't let himself become cayde-7? He said that. 7 I don't like it, seems unlucky. I won't let me be cayde-7. HE WANTED TO DIE BEFORE ANOTHER RESET!
From what i understood is that ghost can only choose dead that have meet certain conditions, like how we weren’t our ghosts first choice (as said in D1 during the taken king mission to reclaim stealth drives when scanning a certain pod). It could be that the ghost that chose shin aftee its previous owner was killed was looking for the exact same type as person as shin was. And when shin was picked wasnt he still alive.
1. Shin did not die between ghosts. ALSO the new ghost did have history with Shin before they linked up. 2. Chase lost his ghost and his life. His light is gone. 3. If a new ghost did accept Cayde it would not be Cayde coming back as he would have no memory like all new Guardians. 4. If you did find a way to repair Cayde and find a copy of his mind it would be pre-colapse and not Guardian Cayde also he would have no Light and ghost so would not be a Guardian. 5. Cayde is gone. Bungie has said time and again that he is and not coming back. At most we will face his legacy but he is gone.
You can keep him. Never liked him from the start.
So Forsaken was for nothing?
I’m not going to repeat the breakdown of why your points don’t work and simply state that bringing Cayde back would be idiotic. It ruins one of the most emotional moments in this franchise’s history.
Editado por themirror2man: 2/3/2020 3:25:49 AMNo one is ever truly dead in fiction these days. 2 ways imo Cayde is still "around". 1. D2 is in fact a Vex Illusion. 2. Caydes original programing still exists. As a backup inside Ace's handle. "Im coming home Ace..." I know im a lore noob. But #comeonman noone is ever truly dead.
He wouldn’t be Cayde. No memories, nothin.
Actually... You might be right, but I think it has been too long.
Yeah, that could work. Let me find a ghost, I’ll track one down myself. Causes death will not be in vain.