1. Volkswagen Van(Red)
2. Volkswagen Van(Orange)
3. Volkswagen Van(Yellow)
4. Volkswagen Van(Green)
5. Volkswagen Van(White)
6. Volkswagen Van(Black)
7. Mystery Machine
8. Volkswagen Van(Blue)
9. Volkswagen Van(Purple)
10. Volkswagen Van(Sea Foam Green)
Only correct answer
Volkswagen is actually bring back the Microbus in 2022. It's going to be an electric car with driverless modes. I really, really want one.
But... Electric... Also, they messed with the design
They kind of had to mess with the design. The old Microbus was a deathtrap, it's why they stopped making them. I don't mind it being electric, although there aren't any charging stations where I live which is a bit of a problem...
But why?