[PC/PVE-PVP] Devil's Playground looking to recruit active and fun members!
[u][i]Looking for a clan whos vibe is chill and easy to follow?[/i][/u] Well congrats bud, Devil’s playground is a developing community filled with opportunities that allow you to break that ice and just hang out with friends and company.
[b]We don't ask for much:[/b]
[i]- Be friendly, active and just have a good time[/i]
If you have something to say, the community is here to listen and engage.
[b]We provide you with:[/b]
-A Discord
-Shepas willing to spend time with you and guide you through any activity [PVP/PVE]
-Game Nights (spend time with members and just chill/giggle while we explore other games)
-Overall a good time and New Friendships
[u]Hop on in and say “Hello” to these cool kids:[/u]
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