[PC][CASUAL][PVE] Acheronta movebo; I shall raise Hell!
Come one, come all!
A new brotherhood has built up from the ashes of trial and tribulation; and we welcome you! Yes, you!
Acheronta movebo; I shall raise Hell. While we are two, we are mighty. We're looking for the best memers, the best raiders, the absolute very best in PVE battling that this community has to offer, and with that, we invite you to join us!
We're more of a casual group who primarily play on PC, with a lot of heart and plenty of spirit to back it up; with memes, weeb bullshit, and plenty of shenanigans every step of the way as we continue to raise hell all along the cosmos in the name of Traveler!
Shoot me a DM, or feel free to apply! We'll even have a discord built up for everyone to hangout and enjoy themselves for all sorts of games; not just Destiny!
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