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[BoB] Brotherhood of Bogans, PC 18+, NA/OCX Social PVX Clan
Welcome and thank you for taking the time to Read our post,
We are a bunch of OCX and NA that share a common interest in gaming. [BoB] is a relatively new guild in Destiny 2 (Created in September 2017 but largely inactive until late August 2019) we are active and social-able with the vision of having multiple events daily when we start to get members, we would love to extend an invitation to you, to join our family. We are open to all players, vets, returning players and even new players it does not matter as ALL are welcome within the family friendly [BoB].
So if you are finding it hard to find a group or have a chat with someone in these time, why not give us a go? You will be surprised, a active guild with that "close knit small clan family feel". We pride ourselves on our welcoming everyone, and the amount of content we would have to offer.
As a clan we do a range of activities and events ranging from;
- PvP
- Strikes (Nightmare and Teaching)
- Raids
- General content
And Many more once we get larger!
All events are organised prior and via discord.
As communication is key, we have a very active [url=] Discord [/url] for all our voice coms, but this is not its only propose. Its full of text channels so you have access to everyone on a range of topics even if they are not in game. Keeping the community connected. This app is highly encouraged and will enrich your experience with us.
So please feel free to contact me for a invite, to come and join our family.
Make our home,
Your home
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