XBOX | PS4 | DISCORD | Evolution Gaming is recruiting - your home for chill, relaxing fun with adults
Are you looking for a clan that needs to understand that you have responsibilities that you need to take care of? Do you get kicked from LFG groups because your child needs your attention? We are a clan of Dads, Moms, Brothers, Veterans, Law Enforcement, Civilians that all game together. We have jobs in the real world, spouses, kids, and things that we need to take care of. But we all love to game.
We have both XBox and PS4 clans to join. All we ask is that you respect those of us that are parents. We may at any moment in time need to step away and do things for our families, this includes during a raid. As long as you are okay with that, you can apply. Our Motto is LIFE HAPPENS and it does all the time!! We do use Discord for LFG and our general chat. We do like to get to know those that join so it can take a few days.
Follow this link to join our discord, and follow the instructions in the #welcome channel.
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