Because why not?
😂 buff bottom tree striker Titan and wardcliff coil as well.
I don’t know what the f*ck you’re smoking, but I might take some of it.
Give it intrinsic rangefinder and slideshot. Also allow it to roll box breathing.
Also Jötunn! The hate messages I get after using it are not enough for me. I want more!
I agree
You are trying to make everyone salty
1000 RPM max impact with a stubility scope, under presure, backup plan, target ajuster mod and stubility master work makes it a sniper... I totally agree with you.
I agree their are still a few snipers that can out range me.
Bump. Needs to require only 2 bolts for a ohk !!
Buff the shit out of it!
Weapon is super weak and not broken at all.
Needs unflinching because how times do people miss while getting shot? Like never.
to all the haters: its just a troll
Needs more cowbell
Knowing how brain dead Bungie is they probably will tbh
Buff Eververse Buff silver Buff reskins
pls buff bottom tree striker so it can kill me 19 times in a row without running out and PLEASE buff shotguns so they can kill you from the other side of the map, PLEASE BUNGIE
Editado por Charleahurley: 9/3/2019 4:25:46 PMWhy are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my leg... And my arm... even my fingers... The body I've lost... the comrades I've lost... won't stop hurting... It's like they're all still there. You feel it, too, don't you? I'm gonna make them give back our past!
it needs more range and stability, and it's charge time needs to be zero XD
It should be able to kill a super in PVP in a single shot from another map in 0.15 second.
I'm not sure if the forums can handle any more tears.
Buff Fusions!!!!
just enough to one shot a bottom tree striker super would be perfect - Hunters and Warlocks
Editado por Motoko Kusanagi: 9/2/2019 11:03:55 PMBuff Pinnacle weapons cause they don’t feel Pinnacle anymore.