publicado originalmente en:The Garage
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The gif isn't the car from the story here, but yet another Tesla time bomb.
[url=]Autonomous Tesla Explodes, Twice[/url]
[quote]The cause was the lithium-ion battery, which was punctured and resulted in the formation of thick black smoke. Soon after, the the car caught fire and engulfed the Model 3 entirely......
Conventional fire extinguishers are rendered obsolete when it comes to lithium-ion battery fires. Instead, thousands of gallons of water are used to contain the fire as best as possible.[/quote]
In other words, these things have to basically be left to burn themselves out once ignited.
Why are these things considered the future of automobiles again?
I have no idea. But. I haven't seen one burst into flames yet from someone attempting to draw more amperage out of their battery pack. If we're gonna blow up a Tesla, I vote we do it like that. Strip it down (even stripped out, they're pretty damn heavy though). Then increase current draw. Couple quarter mile runs. Increase current draw Top off the battery. Repeat until she bursts into flames.