Don’t lie to me
You’re a [i]really[/i] neat person.
no, stop lying. You only deceive yourself to the hard truth. Don’t run from your fears, embrace them. And know that they can’t really harm you if you aren’t afraid! [spoiler](Unless you fear tangible things then that’s not my problem)[/spoiler]
You’re an [i][u]AMAZING[/u][/i] person.
Don’t keep lying to yourself. It’s not healthy
Now you’re just fishing for compliments. Hmf!
No, that’s silly I fish for fish
F. I want I. You S. To H. Complement me. I see through your lies.
No [i]I[/i] see through the lies of the Jedi! I see through [i]your[/i] lies!
Well, then you are lost!
I do not fear the Dark Side as you do! I have brought peace, freedom, justice and security to my new empire!
You’re new empire? Anakin, my allegiances to the republic, to democracy!
Editado por Sumpig-2: 7/23/2019 2:45:13 AMIf you are not with me, then you are my enemy!
I will do what I must.... [spoiler]how did this get turned into a Star Wars meme lolol[/spoiler]
You will try. *turns on lightsaber* [spoiler]i dunno... granted we skipped script a bit, but who cares. That’s what I love about this empire *cough* post of mine, it’s all half hearted roasts and happy times! [/spoiler]
*turns on lightsaber* [spoiler]yeah I just now realized we skipped through stuff.[/spoiler]
*laser sword battle ensues* Subtitles: Whaoow woowp schhh schhhh Bzzzt prkkk blam *force push battle* Whoosh *somehow manage to get onto a lava river and now...*
*Jump after you* *barely land on a square platform* Subtitles *Whoosh, bzzzaaap whoopzsh noises* *Jumps on land*
*ends up on lava droid float thingy?* [spoiler]this is your que I believe[/spoiler]
It’s over Anakin, I have the high ground!
You underestimate my power.
Don’t try it.
*intense gaze of a man deprived of sleep* *jump* *flip* Aaaaaaaahhh *lightsaber descends upon you* [spoiler]sorry for late reply, was playing Detroit:BH [/spoiler]
Editado por SpongyMallard7: 7/23/2019 3:28:54 AM*slices off arm and 2 legs.* YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE. You were supposed to bring balance to the Force, not bring it into Darkness. You were like my brother! I loved you! [spoiler]D:BH is pretty good.[/spoiler]
*after not leave it in darkness, before you were my brother* I hAtE yOu! *After that* *catches on fire* AaAaAAaaAAaAaAAAhhhhhh!!!!! *more fire* Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! *covered in fire* [i][b]aAAaaaAAAaaaaHhHhhhHh!!!!![/b][/i] [spoiler]i just killed the first guy for the greater good, graphics are okay, an A in my book so far[/spoiler]