As per the June 21st update, I have created a new link for my friend to use for Refer-a-Friend. He is still unable to link/confirm the link between our accounts. We even waited a day to see if anything needed to be updated in the back-end. Please help. This is becoming increasingly frustrating as we would like to enjoy playing the game AND to get the refer-a-friend rewards we should be getting.
Editado por Highlander: 6/24/2019 10:58:29 PMStill experiencing this issue as well as of June 24th, 2019. Really hope they get it sorted before the 21 day timer runs out.
I've been having the same problem even now as of June 24th. I can create a veteran link for my cousin and he accepts it successfully. Another question for multi-referral can people who you are game sharing with be referred as new players or would they have to rebuy the game themselves?
My friend and I too are still having problems, though it's changed slightly. Now when I send them the link and they click confirm it says "link created successfully", though the page then refreshes and it still has a confirm button with nothing having changed, and on my end, I still don't see them linked to me.
Got the same issue, I'm glad bungie is being vocal with their progress on the fixes though.
Hey Frel. Unfortunately, we're still investigating the issue. With each update, we've been able to fix a part of the issues, but not everything. We'll keep you posted as soon as we have more information.
I am in the same situation, I even retried this morning to send a new link to my son. He clicks the link and asks him to start a link with me, box pops up with a “link successfully” message and then that’s it. It doesn’t even actually shows a link like I have seen others have. Ironically enough, in game we can see the “guardian unite” buff on his character. I hope this gets resolved before the period of time runs out.
Same problem here. After 3 weeks and no fix my friend and I gave up to wait. Bungie can‘t fix this problem. We have done most of the steps like reach level 50 or play one story mission with your friend. An apologize or a compensation would be nice