Bungie, I am tired of doing Riven and the Last Phase of Scourge of the Past!!
Look, I love this game and I appreciate all the work that you guys have put into this game the past few years. I really do.
But I have a major issue and that is the slim chance you guys have created at getting both One Thousand Voices and Anarchy, two raid-exclusive exotic weapons. While I completely understand the intention of making players grind and truly work for these weapons, THEY ARE BOTH LUCK BASED! I do not mind doing both raids each week if I could just know I will one day get these weapons, but I will never know because there has been no announcement on what the exact chance is or a potential guarantee after a certain number of clears, which I think many players can agree with me on, as we need some certainty that our grinding will pay off.
I apologize for my rant but I need you, Bungie, to understand that doing these raids each week is manageable as long as we know there is an end in sight. So all I am asking is that you increase the drop rate, tell us the exact chance in an announcement, or give a guaranteed drop of each after a certain number of clears in both weapons respected raids. I hope you guys continue you do great things with this game and thanks for your time and understanding.
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