Evening folks! This is serving as both as a PSA and a mechanism to vent some recent frustration in a mostly civil manner as the alternative would be breaking some hardware. Be wary of what you are deleting from your menus! You'd think this would go without saying, I'm sure everyone here has accidentally deleted some trash ramen voucher or planetary resource. Oddly enough however, the manner in which items disappear into the void does not seem to be consistent. Another activity I'm sure many of my fellow guardians have experienced is the joy of deleting shaders one at a time until Master Rahool graciously allowed us to delete a whole FIVE at a time. I'll get to the point: While it seems most every item in the game does not allow for bulk deletion, the sole exception in my experience would be... wait for it... ENHANCEMENT CORES. Accidentally discarding one would be an annoyance yet for some reason unbeknownst to me all it took was about two seconds to realize over 40 cores were lost in an instant. Over 40! Try deleting some shaders that quick! I dare you. I Vanguard dare you!
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