Miracles Exist! was created by a group of experienced and casual gamers who are interested in every aspect of Destiny 2. We are a tight-knit community and are extremely active. If you are joining for PVE, we have people who will help you with milestones, quests, and teach you the raids.
[u][b]Things you can do[/b][/u]
- Participate in our weekly game night
- Use our comprehensive weekly clan/community raid schedule to sign up to raids or host your own
- Daily overdose of inappropriate jokes
- Other "things"
1. Discord presence + working microphone
2. Active, and play with the clan
3. Mature, easy-going, and tilt-free
**[u][b]HOW TO JOIN [/b][/u] (We will only accept your request if you have done the following)**
-- [b]1.[/b] Please [u]upvote[/u] this thread
---- [b]2. [/b]Make a comment with your Battletag
------ [b]3.[/b] Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/XTWW84U
-------- [b]4.[/b] Send us a join request here: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2774939
My Blizzard BattleTag is Magirus40k#1418. I usually go by Magirus40k or Mag for short, your clan looks like the place I want to be. I would like to join.
Editado por Magirus40k: 1/27/2019 8:49:00 PM
Ha abierto un tema nuevo: Would like to join the Clan
My gamer tag is Owlcookie#1393