The “like a diamond” triumph is bugged. When you activate the like a diamond challenge in the Scourge of the Past raid it disables ALL triumphs, I found this out the hard way. Anywho, that is the only obstacle in between me and the blacksmith title. Bungie did not even address it in any TWABs. This is the endgame for black armory and for it to be unobtainable due to developer error is just ridiculous. Bungie has been aware of this since the launch of SOTP and barely recognize that it exists except for a tiny mention in “known issues.” Instead of focusing on buffing and nerfing supers, Bungie should be focused fixing what is broken first and attempting to fix it. At Bungie’s pace, we will be lucky if this title is obtainable by the the next expansion as demonstrated by the guitar errors problem in the Petra’s run challenge. Why does Bungie always cater to the casual player over the die hard end gamer?
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