Recruitment to Emerald Bunnies is currently open! We are an endgame focused PvX clan, open to various types of players. Our main goal is to provide a home and community for other like minded and endgame focused players to meet and cooperate. Forming a group that is both competent yet chill and understanding.
If you'd like to join our requirements are as follows:
1. Grace period for inactivity is 15 days. With only a 100 slots we need to keep activity up as much as possible. If you're going to be gone for a bit longer than the 15 day period anybody is free shoot me a DM over discord and let me know. Previous members will be given join priority over new ones and you will always be welcome back if you decide to take a break from destiny :)
2. Join the discord! Its located directly on the clans profile page, right under the join button!
3. Ownership of Forsaken and previous DLC is required. We want to encourage clan members to play together frequently and this is difficult when members don't at the very least own Forsaken and its pre-requisites. Season pass isn't required but is recommended.
4. You must have at least one character at 570LL or above
5. Consider upvoting this thread for visibility!
You can apply here:
If you have any questions feel free to either message me or comment on the thread!
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