As I have been delving into the new raid, Scourge of the Past, i have noticed a lot of gamers get very disoriented in the expansive map at the beginning.
As a fix for this, imaging a ghost perk called 'Navigator' that can randomly drop on a ghost shell just like Speed Demon or Guiding Light, but this perk would add 4 rotating arrows around the outside of the radar with one being a different color than the other 3 to signify North. This would allow players to know which way they are facing at any time without having to stop and look around for landmarks.
Developer Suggestion:
To simplify this addition my suggestion is to add fixed entities just outside the map as reference points that would then show up on radar (similar to teammates) at any range (only around the outside of the radar) and in a different color. This being said I have no game design experience, but this is how I would imagine going about this.
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