This is a long one but I think some valid things are brought up about class related balancing and how the game should play.
Shoulder charge is over powered, especially compared to throwing knife. There are two solutions as far as I can see.
one - nerf shoulder charge (while it may be less fun for Titans, it was balanced for everyone else before)
Two - buff other melees. It's not fair to give one class a one shot kill on a base ability (such as melee or class ability, ie dodge or barrier) when both other classes have no such thing. Throwing knife emphasizes this. An ability that requires far more precise gameplay from range, even if you were to get a headshot from across the map, would not one shot even when a melee from point blank does
The maps arent functional
When a map is designed for 4 people per team, putting 6 in there makes a total mess.
Shotguns broke the game
There is no need for skill or accuracy when every time you turn a corner you get annihilated. Combine this with the extra people making the crucible a circus? While shotguns should remain a one shot, allowing everyone to just have that ability all the time is not a good move in the same way that shoulder charge one shoting is a bad move. At least shotguns are overpowered for everyone. Anyway, by packing too many people with shotguns into a too small map, plaustyles that favor slower, more methodical gameplay are punished.
Dodge is close to useless
One of the two uses of dodge reloads your weapon. While this is nicel, one must keep in mind that the Titan class has an equivalent ability, a barricade, that not only reloads your weapon, but as many teammates as can get behind it, and not just once, but as many times as you crouch. Plus it does this while giving you cover. Having not played a warlock in destiny 2, I can't speak to how the rift stacks up to this, but it seems to me to be relatively balanced.
The other function of dodge, recharging melee, is passable for both arcstrider and nightstalker, if you ignore that the melee which will be charged is half as effective as that of a Titan. Gunslingers don't even have that, as the throwing knife does just equivalent damage to other non Titan melees, but it requires a ranged headshot even for this to be true. This makes melee recharge passable, but not for gunslingers.
There is no significant difference in the key trait of each class.
There are three traits to correspond with three classes. While each class has an ability that emphasizes their trait, such as warlock rifts aiding recovery or Titan barricades with resilience, there is a negligible difference in the base stats of each class. Warlocks for example do not Regen health noticeably faster without a rift, nor do Titans have noticeably more health. A sizeable base increase to Regen for warlocks, health for Titans, and speed for hunters would make the class you choose a more important part of how the game is played. While I hate to keep coming back to hunters, a perfect example of how unimportant the class stat is at the moment is that Titans are no slower than hunters, as they have their increased speed whenever they sprint with shoulder charge recharged.
Ok that's my rant
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