I can’t say the persons GT. All I can say is that his GT rhymes with anima separata. The gun was called Ze Soffish. It seemed like a cross between cold heart/MIDA/sleeper. The guns kill time was about the same as the OG Mytho.
The gun shot pinkish purple and a orange yellowish rays. The gun was woken up (lit up) by kills it. It looked so alive. I messaged the guy asking him how he got the weapon. He replied with “Real guns might hurt human body. Ze Soffish is 100% harmless”. I tried to look at his load out in the app but it was blank and the name said classified.
Has anyone else gotten obliterated by this gun?
Editado por Fate: 2/15/2018 12:47:17 PMIts probably a secret exotic that the guy unlocked. Wouldn’t be the first time bungie put secret things in the game