I can’t say the persons GT. All I can say is that his GT rhymes with anima separata. The gun was called Ze Soffish. It seemed like a cross between cold heart/MIDA/sleeper. The guns kill time was about the same as the OG Mytho.
The gun shot pinkish purple and a orange yellowish rays. The gun was woken up (lit up) by kills it. It looked so alive. I messaged the guy asking him how he got the weapon. He replied with “Real guns might hurt human body. Ze Soffish is 100% harmless”. I tried to look at his load out in the app but it was blank and the name said classified.
Has anyone else gotten obliterated by this gun?
Blame Stosh
That's pretty cool my dude. Next time take screenshots. I'm a pro at photoshopping I'll blur the dudes GT for you.
That's nothing. I got killed by a lego.
ALSO IN THE AD IT SAID "Look so alive!". Just. Like. You. Liar.
Editado por Topnot700: 2/17/2018 7:22:19 PMOne more thing from Bungiepedia. "Real fishes might hurt human body. Soffish is 100% harmless". troll. Also, Soffish looks like it was made by a german company, explaining why it said "ze" instead of "the".
I actually may have found an answer. He said "Ze Soffish". Look at this from Bungiepedia. "Soffish is a water-absorbent toy fish. Soffish was first found here on Bungie.net. The reasons why Bungie seems to have an obsession with Soffish remain a mystery. It was actually purchased by Matt Soell at a dollar store; it has now been 10 years since the purchase. Matt had in fact bought two Soffishes, at the American Science & Surplus Store in Chicago. "In hindsight," he says, "I wish I had bought their entire stock." Soffish apparently went missing during Bungie's transition to Washington, and has yet to be found".
I got killed by a barbie just like you
I'm calling BS on this one.
Well played sir
1. did it try to kiss you? 2. did it yell yolo as it killed you? 3. did it shoot in time to the party rock anthem? 4. were the projectiles spheres that refracted multi color light?
Editado por Fate: 2/15/2018 12:47:17 PMIts probably a secret exotic that the guy unlocked. Wouldn’t be the first time bungie put secret things in the game
This is either a God-tier troll or the single most -blam!- thing ever....either way, I giggled at it.
Proof or it didn’t happen
That’s nothing, I got killed by some kind of nunchucks the other day. Oh wait, that was Warframe..... Nevermind.
[quote]The gun shot pinkish purple and a orange yellowish rays. The gun was woken up (lit up) by kills it. It looked so alive.[/quote] Sounds like the suppressor from halo 4
One Shot Ted confirmed to be alive
[i]New type of Architects. They were throttled into the game without player knowledge. They're friendly, and abundant.[/i]
And you didn’t record it?
Good one
Did the gun expand when put in water?
Screenshot it and post it on it
Top tier Bungie vet reference.
Delete your account.
This is a troll post lol it has to be 😂
Check the webcam. Maybe it's got a lead or two we can use to get to the bottom of this.
I still haven’t gotten my insta Soffish in the mail yet.