Hello one and all,
We're always looking to recruit players - both new and veterans of the game, who will / already share our passion for the game for what it currently offers and what it will offer in the future. It's also a place we're hoping you will call "home". We're just your typical mix of casuals and hardcore players. We're also currently at 50 members!
To point out already some of the obvious facts stated in our clan profile, we do the following:
1. Raid Runs (prestige + normal) + Raid Training
2. Crucible - Looking for more people interested in this field so we can go into Trials or even just Quickplay/Competitive for some juicy fun!
3. Your typical Storyline, Strikes, Quests, etc.
We're also currently looking for people who are willing to bestow their knowledge and skill upon other players in the clan so we can have more active participators for said activities. We call these people Raid Captains or Trials Captains in our clan and we're hoping you are willing to help not just us but any future players joining in.
Our one main requirement is:
You must be 18+ of age in order to join the clan.
We also have a Discord: https://discord.gg/2Gz6V42
As for activity if you're curious, most of us play during the evening and we do have some players that play during the day!
Hoping to see any of you join in on the Discord and have interest in joining our clan!
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