Decided to do my three heroic strikes and got sent to Mercury back to back for the first two, the second being Tree of Possibility. Using my Hunter (315 - Golden Gun, Celestial Nighthawk Exotic) we got to the end boss on Tree of Poss. and fought through to the third phase area.
Got him to just over 1/3rd HP remaining and nailed him in the back with the Golden Gun for 33k damage killing him instantly. Chest pops like normal, loot drops, but the strike doesn't progress.. keeps saying to kill the boss. We suicide and go for it again, I killed him under 1/3rd the same way and down he went and the game picked up giving us another chest.
Anyone else get this? If the game doesn't pick up that he has died from being instant killed from at or above 1/3rd HP it could be a rinse/repeat for infinite chests from a strike.
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