Good day everyone! A tad late for this but we’re here! Have a look at some effective armor pieces and let me know what you think!
Don’t forget, all my posts will have links at the bottom to the previous and forward post so you can find them all! Leave a comment on any!
Name: Our Teacher Osiris
+2 Mobility
+2 Recovery
Exotic Perk: (Stand Against Time) Throw your Solar projectiles faster during Daybreak and kills with them extend its duration.
Name: The Hare Wins
+3 Mobility
+1 Recovery
Exotic Perk: (Poor Tortoise) Adds an additional jump. If you’re in critical health or get a kill while wearing these, your movement speed is increased.
Name: Fear the Wall
+3 Resilience
+2 Recovery
Exotic Perk: (Take it for What it is) Your barricade is wider and crouch walking right behind it makes it move with you. When your barricade is destroyed you get a portion of grenade and melee energy. [30% ability energy]
Thank you everyone and I️ hope you all have wonderful days! #25 will be out later today.
Link to #23
Link to #25
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