That's great. I'm glad you were able to derive happiness from a product you paid money for, if not an activity in which you invested time. The world could do with more positivity, and your enjoyment of something as relatively inconsequential as a videogame is still something to be accepted and embraced.
Enjoy yourselves. :) <3
Its feels better than bop3, I'll give it that. [quote]Pros of bop3: Campain Zombies Cons: Loot boxes Multiplayer hit detection Movement Loot boxes Loot boxes[/quote] Pros IW: Campain Multiplayer Movement Cons: Weapon variations Loot boxes Loot boxes Loot boxes Ugly weapons Zombies is meh
Campaign was fun as hell. Wished they had tried to do something with spaceship combat for multiplayer, I would’ve tried it at least. Not a fan of them turning extinction into a movie within the context of the IW zombies franchise.
Titanfall 2 is still better
? This is an odd post , where u bored? I personally think that game was garbage way to spacey however I am enjoying ww2
I wish people would accept others’ opinions more. The amount of sass, and/or judgement my brother has given me for not liking Assassin’s Creed Origins so far is almost unbearable. Then I have to take half an hour to explain myself, just for him to say the exact same thing the next day. At the very least, he could give me a proper debate, when I do explain my side of things..
I only played the Infinite Warfare Beta and didn’t buy the full game but nonetheless this post actually made me very happy! [spoiler]I actually enjoyed the Infinite Warfare Beta though. I played it with a friend so that might be the reason, but I just didn’t get it because with all the hate it was getting, I didn’t know if the full game would be any good. Kinda wish I bought it :/[/spoiler]
Was the campaign anygood? Not interested in multiplayer but its cheap used. I might pick it up for campaign if it’s worth it.
You can see this two ways. 1. Some people like bad things! 2. Some people have particular tastes and are in a minority. Sushi for example, most dislike it but some love it!
Now that's a supply drop
Oh my god, Tartan, you still post here!?
Only issue I had with it, besides the regular Call of Duty criticism, is that it was a bit too short. Otherwise I had a blast, especially the flying was fairly enjoyable.
The campaign was decent
It was the only futuristic COD I actually enjoyed.
I think I got to around Prestige nine but man I loved it way more than BO3 and I played it more. I know a lot of people are gonna say Pay to win Exo jumping blah blah blah Overall it was addicting. Yes it was extremely unbalanced MP wise I’m looking at you KBAR and NC4 flatline and synaptic
Second worst cod to date just behind advanced warfare I'm so glad to see what a big step in the right direction cod has headed in ww2 boots on the ground I'd prefer a modern setting but hey a good start
Editado por MidsizeDragon99: 11/28/2017 7:19:19 PMCan I say the same for Destiny 2? :3
I enjoy star wars battlefront 2. It is a great game.
Editado por Nightowl46: 11/28/2017 9:56:59 PMehh?! being positive on the forums?!
Infinite Warfare's campaign looked pretty good actually and that is coming from someone who hates CoD.
Hey, buddy! -blam!- you!
So far I prefer it to ww2.
I thought the campaign was pretty interesting. Didn’t care for the mp though.
I hated IW's beta so I did'nt get it. But I did love Advance Warfare and played it alot.
This. This is what the gaming community needs more of. Positivity. You buy a game to play and enjoy it. Lately, people seem to buy games, not like it, and look down upon people who do like it. Yes, it is understandable for you to not like a game you bought, and to complain about it if you don't like it, or if there are problems with it. Yes, you can complain about publishers and Dev teams or whatever. But if someone genuinely likes a game, they should not be harassed for their opinion. They should not be looked down upon or discriminated against for their opinion. A perfect example is destiny. People genuinely love the game, myself included. But just because we like the game and enjoy our purchase, we are looked down on. People say we don't know what "real games" are. And that's just not cool. At all If you enjoy the time, effort, and money you put into a game, that's great! You are satisfied with your purchase. If you don't enjoy it, that's fine. Just don't discriminate against people who like the games that you don't.