[PC] The Magnificent Basturds! We are a group of Military Veterans and Law Enforcement. If you want a relaxed place to chill with likeminded people feel free to join us PVE|PVP|RAIDS|DISCORD
About us:
The Magnificent Basturds were created by a group of veterans to provide a community for all Veterans, Law Enforcement, Firefighter, and EMS to come together and play together. We are here to create a professional, creative, exciting, and easy-going environment for all our gamer’s. This community was primarily built for Veterans, Law Enforcement, Firefighter, and EMS but that doesn't mean others can't join our team! If you're interested in joining our team, please feel free to join our Discord channel and speak with one of our Admins or Team Members! Hope to see you gaming with us soon!
How to Join:
Simply join our clan by clicking on the clan page below. Also feel free to join our other groups. This will ensure smooth group making when putting together fireteams for all content!
Our Clan page: [url]https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupId=2784761[/url]
Our Discord Server: [url]https://discord.gg/zGWdHs3[/url]
Our Battle.net Group : [url]https://blizzard.com/invite/M90pDiP23 [/url]
You can also add my Battle.Net tag. Jennex#1884
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